Free, no-risk trial: Wideband Ka LNA
Get an Orbital Wideband Ka-Band LNA trial unit free for 30 days. Test it out in the field or in your lab – and experience its quality and performance firsthand. Designed primarily for teleports and gateways, TT&C applications, and airborne terminals, this ruggedized LNA offers:
- 4.0 GHz wideband coverage, from 17.2 to 21.2 GHz
- Low noise temperature: 105 K typical
- 52 dB gain and excellent linearity across the band
How to get started
Take a minute to fill out the form on the right, and we’ll be in touch to open a PO. Once the PO has been created, we’ll ship you an Orbital Wideband Ka-Band LNA – yours to try free for 30 days. If you’re satisfied with the LNA, we’ll invoice you once the trial period ends. If you would like to return the LNA, you can send it back at no cost to you. We’ll even cover shipping both ways.